Delta Blues Rock – est.2023

King Kamaro

(live from the rehearsal room)


(live from the rehearsal room)

Jettison Cargo – finest Delta Blues Rock from Nueremberg, Germany.

For bookings please get in touch:

Live Dates

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

Blues Wednesday Concert Series

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Prime Circle

Doors: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

w/ Midnight Steamer
w/ Shadow Lizzards

Tickets: TBA


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